When you finish your book trailer I'll show you how to save it to our page.

Then go here for more fun information on Islands of the Blue Dolphins and Scott O'Dell: 

The following sites can be used to support and enrich the Book Club unit for Island of the Blue Dolphins by Scott O'Dell.

About the Author and the Book

  • Interview with Scott O'Dell — This site offers an interview with Scott O'Dell from 1984 which was published in theThe New York Times.
  • Reading Matters — Find a review put together by "Reading Matters" and read further comments about the book.
  • Common Sense Media — This review of the book gives it 4 out of 5 stars. See also user reviews and details about the book.

Learn about the Physical Location of the Novel

Investigate the Marine Life and Wildlife of the Setting

  • Abalone — This site offers a factual and formal explanation of the abalone, its production, and its natural history.
  • Red Abalone — A photograph of the red abalone and the facts are given at this site.
  • Bottlenose Dolphins — The dolphins found off the California coast are fully examined, from their diet and behavior to their physical characteristics. Diagrams are included.
  • Cormorants — A quick description of the cormorant species most commonly found in North America is presented on this site.
  • Giant Squid — The description of the giant squid at this site bears a strong resemblance to the devilfish of the novel. Scientists' continued speculations about the giant squid are also explored in this article.
  • Sea Elephants — Although not located on San Nicolas, the sea elephants (also known as Seal Elephants) pictured here create a vivid impression of the animals' strength, size, and physical features.
  • Sea Otters — This section of the "Defenders of Wildlife" website provides a wealth of information about sea otters' behavior, habitat, and history as a hunted and then protected marine mammal.

Find Out about the Characters of the Novel

  • The Lone Woman of San Nicolas Island — The true story of the woman who lived on the island for eighteen years is told by a senior curator of the Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History.
  • Aleut Woman — Illustrations support this brief article on Aleut culture and history, which focuses on the role of women in the society.
  • Aleut — This short article features a map of the Aleutian archipelago and a photograph of an elaborate hunting costume worn by an Aleut man.

Big Theme Questions

What things does a person really need to survive? How are these things different from what a person might want?

What personal qualities can help people cope with difficulties or dramatic changes in their lives?

What role do animals play in the lives of human beings? Consider both tame and wild animals.

What was your favorite part of the book? Why? Please respond in your Reader's Notebooks.

Project Choice:
Create a story graph for Island of the Blue Dolphins.


Create a book trailer on Animoto: www.animoto.com with your book club or on your own.
    Describe how Karana catches Rontu's son. What mood is presented?
    What mood does O'Dell create with his description of the tidal wave and earthquake?
    How does he create it?
I'm not here today, but I'll be back tomorrow. I read all of your posts so far. Excellent! Only one not relevant. Keep reading and writing in your Reader's Journals. See questions below. Please let me know tomorrow who hasn't been able to create a page yet. You can make a page with your book club. Be sure to put all of your names on it. Once you all make a page, I'd like you to post to another group's page as well. We'll meet here and then go to lab tomorrow. Mrs. Riley:)
  • Sequence the major story events since the beginning of the book. Use a time line, flow chart, or numbered list.
  • Add to your island map, or character chart.
  • Does Karana trust Tutok? Explain.
  • How does Karana feel at the end of Chapter 22? Have you ever been in a similar situation?
  • Continue summarizing the main events of the novel.
  • Finally Karana encounters the giant devilfish. Describe this action-packed event.
  • What is the mood of the scene in which Karana and Rontu explore Black Cave? Explain your answer using details from the story.
  • What long-awaited event happens in Chapter 20? How does Karana respond? What do you think might happen next and why?
  • Identify one or two images from the text and explain why you found them striking.
  • Write a description of Karana, Rontu, the setting, or another element of the book using imagery and figurative language.
  • How did Karana make the giant spear? How did it work? Illustrate and label it.
Chapters 15–16 
  • Describe the setting of the story. Explain how the setting helps make this
    story possible.

  • Describe the relationship between Karana and the wild dogs. Does her new
    relationship with Rontu surprise you? Why?

  • Add the sea caves and other details to your island map.